The Audience Builder CDP is the PILYTIX solution to building lists for use in marketing and communications. The power of the Audience Builder CDP is in its speed, simplicity, flexibility, and delivery. Any user can quickly and easily build an audience list with desired parameters by selecting from a set of customized filters. With each click of a filter, the user visually sees the size of their selected audience — and can even see how it would change based on any new values they might select. Parameters and audience size are easily adjusted on the fly by selecting additional filters to include, or deselecting filters when no longer desired. Once the desired audience is achieved, the list can be sent directly to an email marketing or CRM system, or downloaded in a designated export format.
Using the PILYTIX Audience Builder CDP won’t change your process — it will streamline it — allowing you to allocate the time saved to a shorter day, neglected projects, or a business function that has been pushed aside for lack of time. Therefore, the true value of the PILYTIX Audience Builder CDP is time saved — the ultimate efficiency that every organization can identify with.